Student Consumer Information
The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) requires that postsecondary institutions participating in federal student aid programs make certain disclosures to students. The following information is provided to you as a student or potential student of Jackson College (JC) in compliance with federal law. For additional information, including paper copies of any materials, please call the appropriate office or visit the indicated websites.
Academic Information
Academic Programs and Accreditation
Jackson College is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, 30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60602-2504.
Many of JC’s occupational programs are accredited by external occupation-specific professional organizations. Information about the program-specific accreditation is available in the JC catalog, program web pages, and on the Institutional Research & Effectiveness department’s accreditation website.
Inquiries regarding accreditation, licensure or regulation of JC and its programs should be directed to the executive director of quality and institutional effectiveness.
State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA)
Jackson College is a member of National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) initiative. It is one of 55 colleges and universities in Michigan to join the organization.
NC-SARA oversees distance education. It is a voluntary agreement among its member states (every state, with the exception of California) and U.S. territories (Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands) that establishes comparable national standards for interstate offering of postsecondary distance-education courses and programs.
All NC-SARA educational institutions commit to making sure that courses and programs offered through this initiative provide high-quality learning opportunities that can help students reach their educational goals.
View SARA Disclosure -
Cost & Financial Aid
Cost & Financial Aid
Cost of Attendance
The estimated cost of attendance can be found on the Cost and Aid web page. The cost of room and board at Campus View housing and meal plan options are available on the Residence Life website. Students and parents can also utilize the net price calculator, designed by the U.S. Department of Education, to get an estimate of what it may cost to attend Jackson College each year.
Financial Aid and Assistance
The Financial Aid Office can assist students in locating programs to assist them with the cost of going to college. The financial aid department provides information about: the types of financial aid; instructions on how to apply.
The FAFSA web site provides information regarding Borrower’s Rights, Responsibilities, Repayment and Loan Consolidation.
Federal Direct and PLUS Loan information will be submitted to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and will be accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders and institutions determined to be authorized users of the data system.
Estimated Monthly Payment for Direct Loans and FFEL Program Loans (Standard Repayment)
Debt When Loan Enters Repayment Per Month* Total $5,000 $58 $6,904 $10,000 $115 $13,809 $25,000 $288 $34,524 $50,000 $575 $69,048 $100,000 $1,151 $138,096 *Payments were calculated using a fixed interest rate of 5.5% for loans disbursed on or after July 1, 2023 and before July 1, 2024
Refund Policy
Students may receive a tuition refund for any class dropped on or before the last day of the ADD/DROP period for the course. Information on add/drop dates for course sections, withdrawals and cancelled course sections can be found on the Registration and Records web pages. Jackson College’s Tuition and Fees, Refunds and Adjustments to Student Accounts policy (pdf) is available on the Policies and Procedures web page.
Return To Title IV (R2T4) Policy
Policy Summary:
Federal regulations require Title IV (Federal) financial aid to be recalculated when a student withdraws from all classes during the first 60% of the semester. The purpose of this policy is to document regulations for Return of Title IV Funding for students receiving financial aid. The policy establishes the scope of applicability, the order of funds returned, and sets forth the dates of withdrawals.
Policy Statement
Title IV (Federal) financial aid is recalculated when a student withdraws from all classes during the first 60 percent of the semester. This adjustment of all types of financial aid funding can result in the student owing money to the College. Students receiving any form of financial aid are advised to check with the financial aid office before withdrawing from any classes.
Students are responsible for any financial obligation created by the loss of financial assistance that results from the student withdrawing from class(es). JC will return Federal Title IV Funds in the following order: Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan, Federal Subsidized Loan, Federal PLUS, Federal Pell Grant, and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant. The amount of funds returned is determined through the Return to Title IV formula established in the 1999 Federal Financial Aid Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act of 1965.
For federal financial aid purposes, the date of complete withdrawal is determined in one of the following ways:
- Officially, the date the student completes the formal withdrawal process;
- Officially, the date the student officially notifies the institution, in writing, of the intent to withdraw through the submission of a completed withdrawal form; or
- Unofficially, based on the last date of attendance as recorded by the instructor in our system.
Frequency of this process begins weekly after the first add/drop date of each semester through the start date of the next semester. This allows for the process to be ran and funds returned to the Department of Education within the 45 day window allowed by Federal Regulations.
Jackson College must return the amount of Title IV funds for which it is responsible no later than 45 days after the date of determination. The return is calculated in the following manner:
The percentage of the return is equal to the number of calendar days remaining in the semester divided by the total number of calendar days in the semester. {Example: Semester begins on August 26, 2024, and ends on December 14, 2024. There are a total of 106 calendar days in the semester [excluding Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 2024 because it is at least 5 consecutive days of non-enrollment due to the Thanksgiving break]. Student withdraws on October 22, 2024. The student has completed 58 days or 54.71% (58/106 = .5471) of the semester, leaving 48 days or 45.28% (48/106 = .4528) of the semester remaining. Therefore, 45.28% of the federal financial aid disbursed to the student for the semester must be returned because the student had not yet earned it.} Jackson College may automatically use all or a portion of the student’s post-withdrawal disbursement of grant funds for tuition, fees, and living expenses (housing and food) charges.
Students who withdraw from all their courses after 60% of the semester has been completed have earned 100% of their federal financial aid.
If the aid already disbursed is less than the earned aid, then Jackson College will calculate a post-withdrawal disbursement. If the post-withdrawal disbursement includes loan funds, Jackson College must get the student’s permission before funds can be disbursed. The student may choose to decline some or all of the loan funds, so they don’t incur additional debt. Jackson College may automatically use all or a portion of the student’s post-withdrawal disbursement of grant funds for tuition, fees, and room and board charges (as contracted with the school).
JC will notify the students in e-mail of the results of the Return of Title IV Funding. Students who received federal student loan funds while attending JC, are obligated to begin repayment on this debt within 6 months of the last date of half-time attendance.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Students must be making satisfactory academic progress towards completing their Jackson College degree or certificate program. Good academic standing means maintaining a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on all attempted credit hours. Satisfactory academic progress toward completion of a course of study means completion of 67 percent of all attempted credits.
Safety & Security
Campus Safety and Security
Campus Safety and Security Website
Campus Security Policies, Crime Statistics and Crime Log
Policies related to Campus Security are available on JC’s policy website. JC’s Daily Crime and Fire Log is available on the JC Security website. A hard copy of the Crime and Fire Log, for the past 60 days, is available by contacting Campus Security 517.796.8620. JC publishes an Annual Safety & Security Crime and Fire Report that includes crime and fire statistics, emergency procedures, crime prevention and awareness information, campus evacuation procedures and much more.
Missing Student Notification Procedures
JC’s has notification procedures for when a student residing in on-campus housing has been reported missing for more than 24 hours. The Missing Student Notification policy (pdf) is available on Jackson College’s Policy and Procedures web page.
Copyright Infringement, Computer Use and File Sharing Policy
JC’s Responsible Use policy (pdf) is designed to provide students and employees with guidance about what is considered responsible use of JC’s information technology resources. All students and employees are expected to comply with all applicable copyright laws. Violations of copyright laws may result in employee and/or student disciplinary action in addition to possible civil and criminal penalties (see summary below).
Summary of Civil and Criminal Penalties for Violation of Federal Copyright Laws
Copyright infringement is an act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement.
Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or “statutory” damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For “willful” infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorney’s fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505.
Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense. For more information see the website of the U.S. Copyright office at:
Student Achievement
Student Retention Rates
- 2019 Fall To 2020 Winter: 73%
- 2019 Fall to 2020 Fall: 45%
- 2020 Fall to 2021 Winter: 64%
- 2020 Fall to 2021 Fall: 42%
- 2021 Fall to 2022 Spring: 67%
- 2022 Fall to Spring 2023 – 72.52%
- 2023 Fall to 2024 Spring – 74%*
Source: JC Business Analytics – Retention Report
* Jackson College ~ Institutional Scorecard dated 7/10/2024Completion or Graduation Rate
- 4-year average Student Right-to-Know completion or graduation rate calculation: 17%
- 4-year average Student Right-to-Know transfer-out rate calculation: 30%
Source: JC Business Analytics – Retention Report
Source: 4-year average Student Right-to-Know IPEDS Reporting for 23-24 - Student Information
Student Services Information
Student Services
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that provides students with the right to review their education records, to request amendment of their records, to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information, and to file complaints with the U.S. Department of Education. Information regarding the rights of JC students under FERPA (pdf) is available on the JC Policy website. This information includes JC procedures for reviewing and requesting amendment of education records, notice of the types of information JC has designated as directory information, and students’ right to withhold the release of their directory information.
Out of State Students
Students residing outside of the State of Michigan while attending Jackson College who desire to resolve a grievance should contact the Student Resolution Advocate. However, if an issue cannot be resolved internally, you may file a complaint with your state. Complaints may also be filed with the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
Public Transportation
Public transportation is available for students attending Central Campus. Students can take advantage of reduced bus fares offered through Jackson Transportation Authority (JTA). JTA operates a special schedule of services to Jackson College’s Central Campus when classes are in session.
Services for Disabled Students
The Center for Student Success (CSS) provides disability-related services and referrals; documents disability and conducts needs assessments; facilitates reasonable accommodations; and provides disability-related technical assistance, auxiliary aids/services, and advocacy and training.
Student Activities
There are many things for students to do while attending Jackson College. The Office of Student Life sponsors various activities.
Student Complaints
Jackson College desires to resolve student grievance complaints and concerns in an expeditious, fair and amicable manner. The Student Resolution Advocate is available to assist students to resolve both academic and non-academic complaints.
Transfer Information
Information regarding transferring to or from JC, including articulation and consortium agreements, is available in the Student Services Center on the Central Campus, in the main offices at the Clyde E. LeTarte Center in Hillsdale and at JC @ LISD TECH in Adrian. The Transfer website also provides information about articulation agreements for specific programs, the MTA agreement for transferring to schools within Michigan and other helpful hints for transfer students.
Voter Registration
Information on voting in local, state and federal elections, including a copy of the Michigan voter registration application form, is available on the State of Michigan website.
Student Outcomes
Student Outcomes
Career and Job Placement Services
Jackson College’s Seminar in Life Pathways courses include career exploration and educational planning as a component of the course. The Center for Student Success provides student with the opportunity to learn about their interests, abilities and values and to assist the student to identify and learn about potential careers.
JC students have access to the services of South Central Michigan Works centers located in Jackson, Hillsdale and Adrian to locate current employment opportunities.
Completion/Graduation Rates
Overall and athletic graduation, retention, transfer, and job placement rates are published on Institutional Effectiveness department website. Jackson College annually reports important data to the National Center for Education Statistics and the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Feedback Report (pdf).
- CFR 34 Part 668.45, 668.48 – Completion, Retention and Transfer Out Rates for Student Athletes (pdf)
Graduate Employment and Placement
Graduate Follow-Up Survey
Each year, Jackson College conducts a Graduate Follow-Up Survey to determine the status of students who have recently graduated.
Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data (Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act)
In compliance with the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, Jackson College annually issues its Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act Report. The report includes information on men’s and women’s athletic programs, the number of participants by gender for each team, operating and recruiting expenses, coaches’ salaries, revenues, and athletically related student aid.
A paper copy of the report may be obtained by contacting the JC Athletic Director at 517.796.8628.
Jackson College Fast Facts